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Artist Statement

   Brad and Bryan Caviness are brothers who make unique ceramic artwork in Browns Summit, North Carolina. They combine their interests in history with talents for art and design to inspire an appreciation for monumental achievements in art and architecture, bring attention to the destruction of ancient sites, and generate an interest in preserving the ones that are still here, whether threatened by the slow progress of time, natural disaster or war. 

   "We start by creating interpretive reproductions of ancient pottery. After distressing the surface, the jar is broken to reveal the interior.  We then work clay into the volume of the jar to create a panoramic view of the site, visually uniting a culture's artifact with it's location. Our jars are illuminated by a spot light from above or a small lamp built inside the jar."


Bryan Caviness graduated from NC State University with a BFA  degree in Architecture  and Enviromental Design.

Brad Caviness graduated from UNC Greensboro with a  BFA degree in Painting / Printmaking, where he also studied Ceramic and Bronze casting. 

Ambleside Gallery, Greensboro, NC

Blissful Studio & Gallery, Winston Salem, NC

Madaras Gallery,  Tuscon, AZ

Chasen Galleries , Sarasota , FL

NCECA 2018 Visual Voices: Truth Narratives; Contemporary Craft, Pittsburgh, PA 

Virtual Show - " Fresh " new works by NC artists. ( Curator Alexys Taylor selection.  Artspace, Raleigh, NC 2020

Virtual Show- " Size Matters"  Arts Council of Fayetteville/Cumberland County  2020

2020 Grant- " Moments of Destruction" ArtsGreensboro. "with support of the North Carolina Arts Council and the                    Partnering Arts Councils of the Regional Artist Grant Program.". ( We studied exploding or braking jars and     filming it with      high speed camera. Then      recreating the " Moment of Destruction")

Artists in residence  Mesa Verde 2020 - ( postponed and finally canceled due to corona virus )  Sadly the Artist in Residence at Mesa Verde has       ended , maybe it will be back in the future. 

 LA art Show 2022 Modern & Contemporary - " Project Space booth 202 " Ambleside Gallery

ARTPRIZE 2022  ( we won 17 prizes )

    Artist to Artist Award

    North Dist. weekday winner

    North Dist. weekend winner

    North Dist Top 5 week 1

    North Dist Top 5 week 2

    North Dist Top 5 week 3

    Most Fav.overall Aug 16,17,18


   First to 500 Fav.

   First Fav Aug , 23

   Top 10 of ARTPRIZE  #2

    US Artist #2                

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